巣鴨萬盛堂薬局 六地蔵店

- IndustryPharmacy, cosmetics, etc.
- NameSugamo Manseido yakkyoku Rokujizo
- Address3-21-17 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
- TEL03-3917-2211
- FAX03-3917-3397
- Business hours9am to 7pm
- Regular holidayNone
- Credit card○
- Facilities and servicesPrescription reception
- Foreign languageA little English
- Barrier-freeIt is a store that is relatively easy to enter even in a wheelchair.
- Pets○
- Home page
- Mail address
Appearance like a warehouse. The first floor has everything from old-fashioned medicines to the latest medicines. The second floor has a large cosmetics section. Prescription can be dispensed.