名代地蔵海苔 ゑぬき(えぬき)
- IndustryFood
- NameNadai Jizo Nori Enuki
- Address4-34-2 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
- TEL03-3918-3618
- FAX03-3918-7214
- Business hours9am to 6pm
- Regular holidaySundays (open on 4th, 14th and 24th)
- Credit card○ (Visa, Master)
- Foreign languagea little
- Home page
- Mail address
This shop specializes in general seaweed and tea for gifts and home use, centered on the “Nagatori Nori,” which received the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award. We also manufacture and sell seaweed cut into the shape of many characters such as Disney. “Jizo Norisen”, which is made by laminating a nori in the shape of Jizo on a rice cracker, is a popular souvenir.