
- IndustryGeneral shop
- NameK&Y’s
- Address4-17-11 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
- TEL03-3917-2689
- FAX03-3917-4499
- Business hours10am to 7pm (until 6:30pm in winter)
- Regular holidayTuesdays * Basic holidays on holidays and holidays
- Credit cardVISA MasterCard OK
- Foreign languageEnglish OK (there may be no clerk in charge)
- Barrier-freeBarrier-free in store
- RemarksWe have started duty-free sales for overseas travelers (non-residents). Japan Tax-free Shop recruiting staff! Working hours: 3-5, 4-6 hours per week Full time is also welcome! * Various social insurance depending on the number of working hours * Transportation expenses (upper limit available) Hourly wage: ¥ 1,000 ~ (increased salary depending on experience) * 1-2 months training period Welcome to those who can work on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays! * Shift system * Please feel free to consult about the day of the week and time.
From goods you can use every day, mainly kitchen miscellaneous goods, to gifts.
Collected products that you can feel
This is a select shop.
* Japan Tax-fee Shop