お食事と甘味 たけやま

- IndustryRestaurant
- NameOshokuji to kanmi Takeyama
- Address3-37-2 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
- TEL03-3915-5709
- FAX03-3915-5709
- Business hours10am to 6pm
- Average budgetFrom 800 yen (meal)
- Number of seats36 seats
- Foreign languageForeign language menu available
- Barrier-freeSeated in a wheelchair
- ToiletWestern style toilet
- Home page
- RemarksWe accept various banquets. Please consult us for budget and menu depending on your application.
The year of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was founded. I have kept the same taste ever since.
We are waiting for you to feel at ease when you come and prepare carefully.
Beef stew with special demiglace sauce and domestic beef is especially recommended.