「あほやにんにく堂」は、おばあちゃんの原宿やとげぬき地蔵で有名な東京・巣鴨の地蔵通り商店街で、1993年に日本で唯一の薬膳にんにくの専門店として創業いたしました。 店名や商品名の「あほ/アホ/AJO」とはスペイン語で「にんにく」という意味です。 安全で美味しく毎日召し上がっていただける最高品質の健康商品開発と研究に取り組んで参り、沢山のお客様にご愛顧頂いております。 巣鴨地蔵通商店街入ってスグ! JR・都営三田線巣鴨駅から徒歩3分 ※ご注意 新型コロナ感染予防対策として店舗は時短営業を実施中。 物販/飲食(テイクアウトのみ) 11:00~18:00※状況によって閉店の可能性あり。 店舗営業は03ー5567ー1081までお問い合わせください。 オンラインショップは変わらず営業しています。お問い合わせはフリーダイヤル(0120-64-2298)またはメールでお願いします。
It is a “specialty store of rice crackers” where many kinds of rice crackers are lined up. Among them, “Nurekari mochi” is a masterpiece that “once you eat it, you will want to eat it again and again”. “Jizo Senbei” and “Todotsuke” are popular souvenirs. Please give it a try.
Since opening our store on Jizo-dori in 1953, we have been loved by everyone and have delivered better products.
Sugamo’s specialty, the store that originated from Shiofuku Originator’s taste Originator’s heart Kabuki and Japanese confectionery award for excellence The unique flavor of Sugamo. Please try it.
Appearance like a warehouse. The first floor has everything from old-fashioned medicines to the latest medicines. The second floor has a large cosmetics section. Prescription can be dispensed.
If you are tired when visiting, why not take a break?
Welcome! This is Family Mart Sugamo Jizo-dori. It is the first convenience store in Sugamo that can be walked through.
For 90 years since we continued to grill eels, we have been stubbornly protecting the sauce and charcoal grill that we have inherited from generation to generation. We also sell over-the-counter. How about a souvenir? Directly send the taste of Nishimura to the whole country! We also deliver by home delivery.